Part 69: Mission 20 - A World Without Lies - Part 1

Mission 20 - A World Without Lies

Our team has arrived in the operation site and Adette says this should be a place where we can find some Skyfish.
From what Stoner told Garrod, they congregate in areas where the Trapar is thick and seeing how Siberia has its weak Rivalry Zones, it stands to reason that the conditions should be good for us. Once we grab these Skyfish, Chil knows we can get some reflection film the Gekkostate was looking for.
Indeed, Shaia didnt have this item in stock, so Kei also came over, in the name of the soul of the Emaanian traders, to procure some. Adette is onboard with that plan, hoping to capture the skyfish and sell them to Shaia at a nice profit.
As everyone gets fired up, Gainer does wonder what Gain, Rand and Mel are doing here and, as it turns out, they heard that Gainer would be proving that hes a man, so they had to come over and see it.
Rand also wanted to see Rentons debut at LFO-piloting while Setsuko was worried about him. Toby asks how it feels to be piloting and, while Renton says its great, his trembling voice shows how nervous he is.

Rand and Toby tell him to relax and he should be fine with Eureka as his navigator.
Renton is determined to prove that hes a man he said hed do this, so thats that. Eureka does tell him to warn her if he starts to feel sick as she doesnt want him puking inside Nirvashs cockpit.
Garrod takes this time to ask Renton why the Gekkostate came to Galia and Gains also curious: even if the Trapars are dense in this area, the icy conditions cant make this a good place for Lifting. Renton doesnt know all the details but, apparently, Holland came here in search of someone.
Adette puts a stop to their conversation and tells everyone to go look for skyfish but there are none to be found. We cant really hunt for nonexistent fish but Adette insists that everyone keep searching instead of complaining.
Chil asks her if there isnt some sort of bait they can use to call the skyfish over and that reminds Adette of something: she tells everyone to think happy thoughts. Renton understands, remembering that skyfish tend to show up whenever a bunch of happy people get together.
This all sounds very strange for Jiron but everyone goes with it

They all think about what would make them happy but things soon start getting weird when Eureka turns to Renton and asks You wanted to do that with me?, causing the kid to panic.
Following that, Garrod tells Gainer that this isnt the time to be thinking about Saras figure while Jiron heard Garrod thinking of Tifas smile when shes thanking him. both kids are very confused as to how they managed to hear that and Chil also heard Jirons wish of eating a huge lizard roast all by himself, even though he never said it.
Gain confirms no one said anything - it's like something transmitted their thoughts through the entire area but some people are focused on other things

Gain quickly realizes that it must be an OverSkill to do something like this and Adette seems to realize something: she orders everyone to fire at their surroundings to smoke out the culprit. Everyone starts firing with everything they have and Jiron wonders if theyre not overdoing it.
Adette says, if its who shes thinking of, theres no such thing as overdoing it. A voice behind our group agrees with her.

Out comes the Overman Planetta, confirming Adettes suspicions that its Chief of Operations Kashmir Valle, finally taking to the field.
She tells everyone that hes a ruthless man, whod do anything to maintain the schedule of the Siberian Rails trains (his "diamond"). He thanks her for the introduction and he assumes she knows why hes here, then.
He proclaims our Exodus to be an anomaly thats disrupting his schedule therefore, hes here to put an end to it. Garrod isnt impressed with this guy coming here by his lonesome and, despite the long trip, Gain has a bullet that insists that Kashmir goes back home.

Kashmir easily dodges the shot, much to our peoples surprise.
Gain wonders if he anticipated where he was aiming and Kashmir yells that its useless: none of us will be able to lay a single finger on his Planetta. Garrod and Kei dont buy it and try to attack, which prompts Kashmir to call out exactly where theyre aiming and dodge accordingly.
Gainer wonders if theres a connection to us hearing each others thoughts some time ago and, indeed, thats Planettas OverSkill: it allows him to project his opponents' thoughts over a wide area, letting him anticipate and avoid any attack.
Gain takes it to be one of the so-called Psycho Overmen and Jiron and Renton realize that, as long as he can read our thoughts, theres no way for us to hit him. Kei, however, figures that hes still alone, so if we can attack him at once

Not! Kashmir calls a bunch of reinforcements, proclaiming himself to be a lion who gives his all even when hunting some ugly rabbits.
He tells his troops that hes transmitting our thoughts and sends them to play with us. Kejinan is his second in command and Adette asks what happened to the Saint Reagan.
It seems their continuous failures caught up with them and, as such, they were called back and Kejinan and the others were reassigned to work under Kashmir. Adette knows Kejinan well enough to see that he just wagged his tail at a new master as got himself an Overman as prize.
Maybe but he wonders if shell be able to say such things after shes seen the power of his Mexbrute. Gainer warns everyone that, as long as Kashmirs Overman is around, the enemies will be reading our attacks and itll be pointless to attack the boss-man himself.
Renton is quite intimidated that his debut as a pilot is against such strong enemies but Gainer tells him to get his head on straight the enemys hearing his hesitation and, if he doesnt steel himself, he wont be able to fight.
Kei adds that weve already warned the Iron Gear, so we need to hold on until they get here. Kashmir sees Renton panicking and takes him to be of no consequence, so he orders his men to destroy every single one of the exodizers.
Kejinan is more interested in proving his strength to Adette.

Mission Objective: Shoot down the Mexbrute and Planetta
Mission Failure: Any allied unit shot down
Skill Point: Shoot down the Mexbrute by the end of turn 3
I suppose the games decided that, since we get our whole team back, theres no problem in ramping up the difficulty and, boy, is this mission a big difficulty spike.
First off, because our thoughts are being broadcast, ALL enemies have Focus cast at all times, so you need to be extra careful with your real robots; furthermore, the Siberian Rail and Breakers have all been buffed, so expect them to be a whole lot more resilient (the breakers have ditched the Trads for good, too).
We need to kill Kejinan in three turns and thats very doable as hell rush Adette right away, so keep her at a distance to make him close in and surround him on turn three.
Finally, lets take a look at the two new Overmen we need to contend with:

Mexbrute (Kejinan)
- Photon Mat
- OverSkill (At 130 Morale, Mobility is buffed by 10, plus the pilots Oversense level times two; additionally, theres a 50% chance to outright dodge any attack that doesnt have Strike
This thing is certainly very dodgy, especially with Kashmirs buff in play, but, thankfully, its not very powerful; since Kejinans flying solo, he wont be able to fire his strong TRI attack, so thats another plus.
Its pretty much a direct upgrade to Asuhams Jinba, having a lot more HP and defense, while sacrificing a wee bit of base mobility.
Youll pretty much need Strike to hit him, so try to take him out with as few attacks as possible because this is a long mission and youll NEED to conserve SP.
Now, for our biggest headache thus far:

Planetta (Kashmir Valle)
Pilot Skills:
- Oversense L3
- Counter L3
- Predict
- Guard
- Photon Mat
- OverSkill (when over 130 morale, auto-casts Strike, Alert, Focus and Zeal(!) at the start of each turn)
Kashmirs Voice Actor: Keiji Fujiwara (I was certainly surprised when I saw this he sounds nothing like Holland!)
This motherfucker Asuhams a slightly better pilot but that advantage obviously goes out the window once his OverSkill activates; pairing Strike with Zeal (the caster can move twice in one turn) is a recipe for a dead Real Robot and he often prioritizes the King Gainer units, which are our flimsiest.
The Planetta isnt VERY strong but it can deal decent damage and being unable to dodge means youll probably be safer defending with your reals (hes likely to use both his moves on one unit and that can lead to a kill); Guard and Predict further increase his evasiveness and bulkiness over 130 morale and also boost his critical ratio.
FINALLY, his 2nd strongest attack will also reduce a units accuracy, so watch it.
You will absolutely need Strike against Kashmir and, if possible, prioritize going against him with your Supers; if you can hit him reliably, you should be able to take him out before he wrecks a Real.
Everyone moves up ahead and, in the interest of conserving SP, no one but Eureka (who has SP Regen) casts Focus.
Obviously, the Nirvash is leading the charge.

Enemy Phase!

Here come the Breakers, ignoring Renton and making a beeline for Jiron.

A couple of Governments get him down to dangerously low HP.

Rand also gets jumped but hes more than capable of hitting back for big damage.

Time for you to show your stuff, Renton!

Hes not as good a pilot as Eureka but hell get there.
All other enemies, Kejinan and Kashmir included, start coming over

Player Phase!

First things first, Jiron is down to nearly 2000 HP, so he uses Guts to get it all back.

I marked Kejinans range on the map, to make sure he wont be sniping at our people; in the meantime, Adette keeps playing bait while shooting whatevers in range.
Kei switches to Orguss Flier mode to get a wee bit of extra mobility and double attacks a weak Government into oblivion.

His reward is a level up and Counter L5.

Garrod has Invincible as a safety net, so he moves ahead too.

Not bad.

Renton finishes his buddys target, leveling up and learning Lift Technique L3, while Gain starts working on another Dogozzo.

Rand moves ahead and finishes off the other weakened Government.

Gainer is dodgy enough to take care of himself even when the numbers are skimmed against him.

Argh! Just short of a kill!

So, it falls on Jiron to move over and take that Galapagos down.

Enemy Phase!

Jiron is attacked from afar by a Promeus and Gains mobbed by Dogozzos (I actually had to reset here because, even with focus, they had a 30% chance to hit and both attacks connected, killing Gain).

You cant snipe Gainer like that!

Everything helps.

Oh, crap. Kashmirs just in range to attack Gain.

Whew also, thats some pilot suit.

Player Phase!

Alright, we have to down Kejinan right now, so lets switch to him right away.
His morale is just 110 but we already need to use Strike/Sense to get a reliable hit in missing could well cost us the skill point, so we have to play it safe.

Keis double attacks are ever so reliable.

Might as well take this chance to show off the Mexbrutes melee attack.
I can always count on Rand.

Jiron leaves Kejinan barely alive.

So, lets have Renton take his first big kill.
Kejinan drops a Paunchy Fruit, which is a consumable that restores all of the users SP.

Kejinan isnt willing to lose just yet and finds the strength to carry on.
Adette yells at him to give up but he refuses, charging after her. Gainer is about to go save her but she tells him to stay away; what kind of teacher could show her face again after being saved by her student?!
Kejinan finds her strong spirit quite attractive and Adette is very annoyed that shes having trouble against someone thats relying so much on his Overmans power. Such power involves creating illusions at will and Kejinan provides a demonstration.

Back at the Iron Gear

Back at the battlefield

Since we have so many ships, the games now giving us a choice to choose which ones to deploy as well.
Remember that the Impulse Gundam can only change frames if the Minervas present.

Seeing how things are going, Kashmir decides to call for some help of his own, in the form of a large Siberian Rail/Breaker posse. Leading them is an Emperor Custom landship, captained by none other than Timp.
When Bello asks, Rag says Timp is Jirons old nemesis who used to be an agent of the Innocents. Jiron wastes no time in calling out how Timps fallen if hes turned into a bodyguard of the Siberian Rail.
Timp, however, says Jiron misunderstands him as, unlike Hola and the others, hes been hired as a special advisor to the Siberian Rail guards an overseer, so to speak.
Kashmir asks him to destroy these pests and Timps more than willing to get serious to take out Jiron.
Adette calls for Gainer to get in formation with her and Gain joins in, his Gachiko being rather beat after Kashmirs attack. Kei and Garrod also team up to give the enemies a taste of some true aerial combat and Renton joins them, if only to get some pointers on how to put the moves on Eureka from Kei and Garrod.
Finally, Rand/Toby volunteers to help Jiron take on his old enemy Mel is especially keen on kicking his ass now that theyve met again.

Adette has moved far away from Kejinan and Enge figures the guy's proposal just went down the drain.
Jaboli isnt surprised at all, telling Kejinan to look at a mirror Kejinan yells at her to shut up and promises revenge for his spurned feelings. Gain, meanwhile, warns everyone that, while Kashmir cant read minds anymore, he can still use his regular OverSkill.
Furthermore, he tells Gainer that, to wrap it all up nicely, he just needs to show off his strength in front of Sara and she agrees, telling him to take responsibility for what he said hes more than willing to do that (while Renton can only sigh at how cool he is).
If its not clear from how much dialogue I translated, I love this mission.
This mission is still far from over, though, so Ill end it here for now; the rest should be posted on Wednesday.
By the by, I didnt make a video for Gainers confession because it's not particularly flashy, graphically speaking: Gainer can be heard shouting in the background while everyone talks it out (plus, I got a phone call as it was playing out and, as such, the video stood still for a few minutes ).
So, I figured itd just be better to just grab the scene off Nico to show it off.
Couldnt find subbed or dubbed versions of this scene only but you can find the entire episode online.
See you all soon!